Le Diner à San Francisco, an annual elegant all-white pop-up picnic dinner with a long tradition in Paris was held in San Francisco for the third time this Friday. The secret location {Civic Center Plaza} was not revealed until hours before the picnic - and by late afternoon long rows of tables set up under the plaza's allées of pollarded sycamore trees were slowly turning into elaborately decorated all-white picnic tables, with thousands of diners following the all-white dress code {bringing fabulous foods & wines to the tables} ...

the menu.
~ rosemary spiced roasted nuts {recipe} & orange marinated lucques olives
~ fresh goat cheese with Anderson Valley figs, grapes, pears & apples
~ cold courgette soup with croutons and fresh baked baguette
~ marinated salmon with lemon and dill
~ zucchini eggplant parmigiana with fresh tomatoes
~ feta cheese drizzled with honey and tartine bread
~ spinach frittata & eggplant tapenade
~ dark chocolate mousse with sea salt
Merci, Grazie, Thank You & Dankeschön to
Philippine, Florence, Arnaud, Luca, Frank, Leigh, Monica, Ilaria, Antonella, Bob & Brett
for incredible table decor, amazing food, good wines - and some inspiring toasts!

Le Diner a San Francisco 2013 Diner en Blanc white pop-up dinner san francisco
Previous white dinners: