Three days in Big Sur & Ventana Wilderness.
Roadside stop at Big Sur Bakery for fresh baked provisions, windy back roads in search of the perfect campsite, steak cooked over an open fire, a starry night, brewing coffee under the oak tree, morning drive to a hidden California mission, off-road excursion to higher elevations, moon rise over the Pacific Ocean, sunny breakfast in the meadow, a steep hike with endless views, post-hike drinks at Nepenthe and great dinner at Big Sur Bakery ...
Roadside stop at Big Sur Bakery for fresh baked provisions, windy back roads in search of the perfect campsite, steak cooked over an open fire, a starry night, brewing coffee under the oak tree, morning drive to a hidden California mission, off-road excursion to higher elevations, moon rise over the Pacific Ocean, sunny breakfast in the meadow, a steep hike with endless views, post-hike drinks at Nepenthe and great dinner at Big Sur Bakery ...