One of my favorite San Francisco stores and a well known institution way beyond the Bay Area when it comes to culinary books {latest releases, great classics and rare finds}, Omnivore Books also hosts monthly events with chefs and authors - and the occasional cooking contest ...
Last Saturday Omnivore Books held its second Pie Contest, a fun afternoon gathering & tasting round with over twenty pie entries - from classic fruit tarts to a S'Mores pie { the winner! }, from à la mode to whiskey sauce toppings, from Texas pecans to an amazing savory Rosemary Potato Pie with Creme Fraiche { the runner up! } by Bay Alien {aka SanFlan}:
Photo by BayAlien
Voila, the link to Bay Alien's recipe: Pâté aux Pommes de Terre with Rosemary ...

Pie baking contestants got in free, everyone else paid $5 at the door for a chance to try over 20 pies and vote for their favorite ...